2 weeks into treatment and questions

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2 weeks into treatment and questions

Post by mysecretcurse »

Hi everyone. I have been on the zz cream two weeks now {little over}. I am trying demodexsoltions because I have severe acne and have done almost everything I could ever think of for it and nothing helps me. I have no tested for demodex as I have no microscope but I very much think it could be a factor based on my symptoms and how Im responding to the cream {millions of zits, which I was told means they are dying off}.

Well my problem is now, out of nowhere I have developed a dime size cyst on my forehead. Its very painful, deep, and has no whitehead, and its been there 4 days now which is worrying for me because usually my acne cysts pop up, stay deep about a day then turn into a whitehead and gradually dry up. This cyst is so hard and deep and hasnt changed at all.

Is it possible that the zz cream is just reaching the deeper layers of my skin and killing off something so deep to cause that cyst? I should note I have had like thousands of zits since starting demodex treatment..it seems they were whiteheads on the surface at first and are getting deeper and deeper. The cream seems to be going deeper into my skin now too because my skin is kinda getting peely..

I also noticed that since starting treatment its almost like the acne is "running" from the cream..Im getting zits {small painful ones} from my jawline down my neck and that never ever happened before. Its like they are trying to leave and then dying on the way, either that or something else is going on?

I have a feeling I should just keep moving forward with the zz cream, I know two weeks is nowhere near long enough for it to help, and Ive had severe skin problems for about 6 years now, so if it is demodex causing this {Im 99% sure its at least a factor}, it would make sense I would have a deep, serious infection in my face.

Is there anyone out there who has gotten help for their skin from using these products and did you have setbacks like this in the beginning?

Thanks for any replies in advance, I know this forum isnt very active but there are not a lot of places on the net I can find guidence for this problem.
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Post by Walter »


Yes, getting rid of demodex mites can be a dificould task, like already told,
the reason for all this zits and infections, also the big cyst is because by killing the mites,
All their debris and especially, their host specific bacteria are exposed into your skin, creating infections.
In fact, it is the proof you have indeed a demodex mite problem, otherwise nothing would happen.
Why some people react so severe, like you, and others do not, nobody knows.
Maybe, for people like you, it would be a good idea, the first mont or so, to take a broud spectrum antybiotic like they use against acne to keep those infections more or less under control.
I had the same expierience as you, lots of infections and cysts so I know very well
what you talk about, question is not to become disapointed, don’t give up and you will be happy later you did, the most important is that you know why this happens.

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Thanks! :)

Post by mysecretcurse »

Its good to know you had similar experiances and came out ahead (not that Id wish this on anyone! ugh!) I agree this is proof I have a mite problem, a very serious one at that. I have had so many things happen to me that could have led to this, I was a sickly child and had a horrible troubled childhood, much stress, mental illness during my teens and heavily medicated which destroyed my immunity even more, I was around pets a lot and even worked at an animal shelter for a year of my life and was around many pets with parasites, mange, ringworm, etc. I feel these parasites have been breaking me down {constant immune inflammation due to them always attacking my face} for years now.

I dont have a doctor or insurance so I cant get on antibiotics at this time. I am however taking the b vitamins, other vitamins and herbs to do anything I can to help my immune system. And trying to stay positive! I will not let tiny little bugs beat me down any longer. No matter how long it takes.
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